
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Family Traditions

"Who's turn is it this week?" A question that is often asked in our home. 
I don't remember if it was the 1st week we brought him home or sometime after that.
Some people may think that we are encouraging bad habits, and maybe we are. But hey if bad habits work then why not! (at least sometimes). 
Every Saturday night after dinner and before bed time our family pops a giant bowl of popcorn and cuddles up on the couch. We take turns choosing. This coming Saturday is M's turn. I am guessing that at some point he will mention Rapunzel (Disney's Tangled) or Ice Age. He doesn't always choose the same movie but enough times that we can quote them fairly well. 
It is one of those things that you do that just sticks. We all love it. M says often that he wishes every day were Saturday. I would like to think that it isn't just watching TV for 90 minutes that makes it such a family favorite. We laugh together, we snuggle and chat. We have fun. 
We have watched almost every decent movie on Netflix and I am not sure what we will do when we get through all of them, but I suppose M won't mind if we repeat a few. :) 
I am linking up here


  1. What a great family thing!!!! =D New follower :)

  2. How sweet, I love family traditions! I am doing a giveaway today and would love for you to check it out!


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